Women On Fire

Louise Bufitt-Dons

`To be a public speaker you have to expose yourself. Everyone is forced to look at you, listen to you. Whether you like it or not they will judge you. No one can be there on your behalf.' Louise Burfitt-Dons

Judith Seelig has invited me to speak at her Easter Saturday event in Westminster about how speaking (also a vital diplomatic skill as well as a leadership tool) can improve women’s self-confidence.

I’ve found the diffidence to speaking is closely related to a fear that what you declare publicly could bring reprisals, break bonds, make enemies, give away secrets, result in exclusion, endanger children, and so forth. It is probably deeply engrained into the female psyche `speaking’ is a scary business, and maybe for good reasons.

However, what I am likely to cover will be inspirational and encouraging. Women possess natural gifts of leadership and communication, but suppress them. It’s easier to keep the peace, do what everyone else is doing, say the same things. But deep down when we do this, we sense something is wrong.

The world over, I’ve never met a woman who’s life is exactly the same life as another. Circumstances dictate. Therefore, there is no rule book written—never can be—with specific advice for a woman on her future, or perfect formula to protect the humanitarian interests of the entire female race.

But whether a 23 year old Alaskan fisher woman or female boss of a Footsie 500 company, a widow from the Great East Japan Earthquake still living in a sports hall in Yamagata or a fashion model in New York, what bonds us is clear to all women. Womanhood is an awareness of the innate skills of survival as women, and our real priorities, not the Hollywood interpretation. `Women speak two languages, one of which is verbal’ sayeth Shakespeare, knowing that at best he could only hope to truly master the first.

A celebration of this second unspoken language is the subject of a one-day `alternative parliament’ being held at Westminster’s Central Hall on Easter Saturday. Brainchild of London based Sharman Judith Seelig, the `Women on Fire’ uplifting event features a diversity of speaking talent including Camilla Batmangheildjh, Tamsin Ormond, Novelist Jay Griffiths and many others. For a full programme of speakers

My personal motivational advice for women has always been based on courage building, and an acceptance that whatever path you take not everyone will bond with you as a result. As a public speaker you face that challenge every time you step up to the lectern, whether you are inspiring political change or company reform in the boardroom.

To hear more about how I can help you do that, why not come along?

For tickets to the event

About Louise Burfitt-Dons

Writer and social critic
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